This one was for my little guy. I am a little too old to really know much about Pokemon but my husband thought it was cute and so I made it anyway. The pattern can be found here, written by Sabrina Somers:
I'm happy with how it turned out; I changed the eyes to safety eyes with crocheted whites and stitched the ears rounded instead of using fabric glue. My little one is going to have to try really hard to tear this thing apart, it will last a really long time!
So I'm quite excited to be having a little stand in the first Thursday Urban Craft Uprising marketplace at Pioneer Square tomorrow, July 6th! I'll be there between 4pm and 9pm with a little table of some stuff for sale. Come visit me if you're around!
Here's a link to the event! I'll also be there on the first Thursday of August as well! So I realize that my last blog post was a considerable amount of time ago. It's been a busy few months. Shortly after the last blog post we went to Hawaii (Maui) for our babymoon, had visitors from France, and then I HAD A FREAKING BABY in May. Yup, I'm a mama now and it's pretty much all consuming. I haven't thrown or glazed pottery since March. Seriously. I'm missing it but I realize that part of raising a newborn is dedicating nearly all your time to said newborn, including feeling like a cow and nursing every couple hours, sometimes even every hour.
So...not a lot of new work is being done. That said, I do have a few things that I finished up before we left in March so I have some new material that I need to photograph and add to my Etsy shop (eventually). ' Hopefully I'll be back on the creating train really soon, I'm thinking maybe a week or two and I'll have a little more time to sneak a few hours here and there to work. I must say, it feels good to be a mama, and I'm indescribably happy that I have my beautiful, healthy, baby boy. ![]() This one turned out soooo cute but so much work! In the end, completely worth it. The pattern (written by Krawka on Etsy) was easy enough to follow but man that shell with the flowers took me five tries to get right and the eyes were no joke. Glad I tackled it though because I love how it turned out. Sent last week to it's forever home to a baby arriving any day now! Yeah, porcelain. It's always been one of those mediums where everyone talks about using porcelain and I could never bring myself to try it. I'm not sure if I felt like "I wasn't ready" for it or what. But yesterday I went ahead and gave it a shot and well, I'm in love. It's like throwing with silk. I really think that I may never go back to stoneware! Ok, that's a little drastic perhaps, but really, it was SO. NICE. I threw all of the above yesterday with procelain. I can't wait to see how it glazes. I'm especially excited about the mugs, because finally the rim will be silky smooth on the lips (not that anyone has ever said that my mugs were unpleasant to drink from, but it's one of those things that I've noticed and was always a little paranoid about).
Anyway, I'm excited to dive into my new venture. ALSO, if I ever start using crystalline glazes, as is my plan for the future, I'll need to use porcelain so no time like the present to get used to it, eh? I'm so glad that I went ahead with it. k So last week I did as planned and made 8 plates of more or less equal size and shape and also three large bowls and two planters. I am pretty happy with how the plates have turned out so far, however, with every thrown pot there is shrinkage...the plates are measuring about 9.5 inches now that they are bone dry. So after firing that makes them pretty small (maybe 8.5-9 inches or so, will measure again after firings). But smaller plates, smaller portions right? Maybe it will help portion control.
Regardless, that was the first time throwing plates in about 6-7 years, so I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with myself for throwing 8 in a row with no mess-ups! I've updated the website now with a section of "work" which includes slideshows of finished works. Take a looksie! Most of what is listed is not online for sale (yet) but you can see what I've been working on the last couple of months. So the last quarter of 2016 I was busy working on some amigurumi for new babies. Here's some photos of the finished ones: They are pretty time comsuming to make, but I do enjoy the process. It's fun to see all the parts come together to make a cute toy. They take me anywhere between 1-4 weeks depending on my schedule and the size of the toy.
The next one I plan to do is an elephant, I plan to write the pattern myself. Fingers crossed it goes well, will definitely post an update after that's done. Current knitting project is a mustard and cream hooded baby blanket for the baby in my belly. Update soon. K Well I'm experiencing a bit of delay of game over here. New computer should make everything easier. Should...should.
So when I downloaded all the old stuff onto the new computer from the old computer I had my settings set to "sync"....which...sounds like it should be great. Long story short (much much shorter than I could make it if you know me) I ended up with 8500 photos from the last 14 years being downloaded onto my iPhone. That takes a lot of memory! In fact, it takes ALLLLL your memory. And then your phone doesn't function until you go through and delete them. Sure, you can do that "quicker" than just one-by-one, but not really. So, until I can get my phone cleared off, I can't take any more images of my new stuff to post. So patience. Sigh. Not so good at patience (which is hilarious because I do pottery and pottery is patience), but I'll take this as a good learning lesson. K P.S. That's my cat, Millie, after a bath. She looks how I felt when I discovered my mishap. Happy New Year everyone! I hope that everyone has happiness, love, and good health in 2017. We brought in the new year with some friends, ate downtown on the waterfront, then walked to the space needle to watch the fireworks. This is the last new years without a baby, figured we should enjoy it (albeit sober for me of course) as next year will be entirely different. 2017 brings change. Change personally and for the family, but also for the country. Here's hoping for the very possible best to pass and trying to keep positive with all the negative in the current world.
Today, per my usual custom, I will throw the first pots of the year! Plan is to make some plates for the kitchen, ours are painfully old and some of my first works...very rough indeed. Something a little more professional perhaps is due. Husband and I will also continue our 1st day of the year tradition in writing down our objectives for the year, what we hope to accomplish for ourselves individually and together. Then we post it on the fridge to keep in mind as the year progresses and cross them off as we finish them. We will have some roll over from last year...didn't really get to finishing all of our goals last year, but that's ok, it's good to try, right? What are your customs for the first of the year? Do you do the same thing every year? I'd love to hear it in the comments section, if you want to share! Best wishes to all. xoxo K |
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